Jillian's Random Ruminations

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today is a rather grey day. Usually I love the grey days of summer. It's so fun to sit on my porch and watch as the rains of summer fall from the ominous sky, and even better when they're accompanied by roaring thunder. But today is grey and blustery and kind of, well, yucky!! Kind of cold!! No warm gentle rains, just nasty wind!
Oh how sweet the wonderful days are when we have the yucky ones to compare them to!
Yesterday I was talking to a very dear friend of mine. He told me he had seen an extreme makeover show--the home version, and recounted the challenges the recipient family had encountered.. It made him feel so fortunate for all of his blessings, and to see others helping those in need brought tears to his eyes.
Many people go about their daily lives, not thinking about the challenges some face. Many get caught up in their very trivial problems and don't stop to count their blessings. Life is beautiful. And it is my wish that for those who have a hard row to hoe, that Jesus surrounds them , in the form of beautiful souls caring for beautiful souls, whether it is spiritual guidance, tummy enrichment, physical assistance or psyche nurturing.
To whom much is given, much is expected. God bless you.