Jillian's Random Ruminations

Friday, January 28, 2005

too little time

I promise to anyone reading my blog that next week will be better. i've been inundated with tasks at work this week, which necessitated a brief hiatus. i hope your week has been wonderful.
please say a prayer for my schoolhood friend, jill wilcher. she is facing some health challenges this week. hope your weekend has a fruitful yield!!
i'll be back!! au revoir!

Monday, January 24, 2005

monday , monday!

Wow, I'm so excited for Spring to come. Writing a comment for the mayor of Elburn's weblog precipitated a dreamy daydreaming session of driving to Lake Geneva this Spring and Summer and traversing the trails behind the mansions and estates that hug the edge of the lake! What beautiful memories I have of stunning flower gardens and daylilies cascading over the shoreline! Each time I wander, I try to surpass the length from times afore, but I still have yet to achieve the entire perimeter of the lake! It's HUGE!! It's so fun to gaze upon the Wrigley mansion and engage in my imagination, the folly of yesteryear! I was giving the mayor tips on image enhancing for the city--and one of my tips was to have a confectionary or soda fountain shoppe downtown where families could stop & sip and quip on their way to Lake Geneva. Route 47 is the main route to Wisconsin's gem.
I also suggested the antique looking street signs flanking route 47.
I spent some time yesterday selecting the perfect frames for my mother and father's old sepia photographs. I made some beautiful finds. My mother was so incredibly beautiful, that I had to find the perfect frames to showcase her beauty without distracting from the lovely focal point.
I also comprised a list of our immediate family with birthdates, including days of the week on which my parents me, and my siblings were born. I printed it on very nice stationery. I also found, in my father's personal effects, a wonderful thank you from a grateful nation, for my father's service in the armed forces. It was signed by Harry Truman! What a treasure. The original was kind of dog eared, so I printed that on some beautiful stationery, also!
I'd best go now!! Marissa has an interview with the American Red Cross tomorrow. I pray that she is filled with kindness, wisdom, and God's love, and that these qualities are easily recognized and embraced by her interviewer. She would be an amazing asset to their organization.
Au revoir!! No e on the end!!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

dunno what happened

i entered a very nice piece in my journal today, but somehow it was obliterated!! i clicked on "publish post" and for some reason, my post was axed--so until tomorrow--au revoire

Sixteen Days to Death

so many thoughts!! let me see if i can sort them!
yesterday i went to the inquest to discover the cause of my mother's death. the goal of the inquest is to discover if the death was a suicide, accidental, natural causes, homicide or undetermined.
loren carrera, from the coroner's office presented the case to the jury, based on the facts in the medical records and then i was sworn in and spoke to the jury.
in a nutshell, mom was admitted to the hospital on oct. 10, 2004. at that time, i was asked what meds she was on so there wouldn't be a lapse in her receiving them. i told them and then called back and told a nurse on her unit what the exact dosage was. they were drugs for congestive heart failure. somebody dropped the ball and mom didn't get any of her meds for 3 weeks. at the end of that 3 week period, mom was having trouble breathing and was swollen with edema, the very symptoms that fuorosemide and potassium were meant to prevent! AFTER her problems, she suddenly was put on those very drugs!! mom was admitted to the telemetry unit once her problems escalated, without my being notified and she fell out of bed, trying to go to the bathroom. in the fall she fractured her hip. 16 days later she died, the cause being listed by the doctor as "pulmonary embolism, due to hip fracture". she must have been very confused! she had just been treated for depression and the hospital didn't call me when she was admitted from the behavioral health unit to telemetry, therefore i couldn't explain things to her, nor did they bother to elicit the assistance of an interpreter, since she is deaf.
the jurors were not impressed with the manner in which this was handled and came to the conclusion that the death cause was "undetermined" and issued a recommendation that the hospital be investigated to see what role they played in mom's death.
here's something i was thinking about on my way to work this a.m. somebody called in to open line in our paper, the beacon news. the comments ascribed to them that were published a few days ago gave me pause, and this morning i was ruminating as usual.
aurora has 5 mayoral candidates. as a matter of fact, i'm going to a forum tonight to listen to their platform presentations, etc.
the jist of what was published was that richard irvin, a former prosecutor, was a really wonderful guy--basically the same wonderful guy he was in high school 10 years ago. and even though he drives a lexus, it hasn't changed him.
i was rather amused by that comment. as though the only reason one would buy a lexus--is the status attained by that purchase. that somehow, that purchase would segregate one from a common man--that somehow one might become"snooty"!
i'm interested to find out more about richard irvin. my interest was piqued when i learned he drives a lexus. what a practical man. he must have great common sense to have purchased such a well made car. he obviously desires quality and perhaps he understands value! i hope he, like i, purchased a lexus because he recognized it might be the least expensive vehicle he ever purchased---in the long run, of course! and perhaps he appreciates the beautiful lines the lexus parades. my favorite is the ls 400. it's been replaced by the ls430. i'm not so keen on the suvs, but they still sport the same quality!!
since quality is high on my list of priorities, i am interested to know if this man's interest in quality, if his pragmatic approach to purchases would transcend into affairs of the city! if so, that's a great thing!! perhaps he is a "big picture thinker"!!
there's certainly more to consider than a person's skill at making purchases--so it will be interesting to analyze these 5 guys tonight!
may your day be wondrous! i'm back to work!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


ok, so wondrous can be spelled wonderous, also, damn it!! i confess--when i looked up wondrous on dictionary.com, they didn't say it's also spelled wonderous, but when i looked up wonderous, it said "the same as wondrous" mea culpa!
now, have a wonderfully wonderous tuesday. find the wonder in it!

tuesday morning

It is Tuesday morning. It's a crisp and beautiful day. I love to take different routes to work and this morning i took hughes road. what a beautiful winding road. as i rounded a curve the fabulous hughes creek golf course swept me away. the hillsides are breathtaking! i remembered one morning long ago, listening to the radio and catching an interview with a designer of golf courses. i hadn't really thought much about golf courses and found the interview to be quite enlightening! so much planning goes into them. they are designed to catch the morning sun and to engage the golfer in the very best that nature has to offer. i don't golf, but maybe i should learn to. it would go hand in hand with my love of our natural resources and beauteous earth.
anyway, my number one road is army trail in wayne, il. for scenic beauty. #2 is burr road in st. chs. #3 is hughes road in elburn. and of course i love rt. 25 and 31 for fox river beauty.
hughes road is also home to johnson mound forest preserve. about a week ago, on a saturday, i was greeted by a delightful scene of sledders on an endless hill. what fun!! it reminded me of my childhood days, sledding at lincoln park in rock island. what fun that was! I was saddened today by the death of ruth warrick. she was the matriarch of the soap, all my children, but i revered her work in citizen kane and song of the south. she was the epitome of class and sophistication.
i'd better get to work now. but first i'm gonna call delnor hospital to let them know that their awesome ad about their maternity ward misspelled wondrous. they spelled it wonderous. what an easy mistake to make!! but i'm too anal to let it go!
hope your tuesday is wondrous!

Monday, January 17, 2005

springtime in my heart

what a beautiful day it is today. the sun is shining brilliantly. under the snow the daffodils are sleeping. they're smiling because they know they will be called to calm us soon with their beckoning beauty. it's mid january and we are 58% into winter. that's only a mere 42% left to go til robins sing to us as we wake from a wintertime slumber.
i measured a woman's kitchen and bath today for laminate flooring. i sell flooring! she lives in a village named lafox that was established in 1859. what a beautiful setting in the country, which time has forgotten.
mom died on november 16th. she was 85 and had the most lovely of hearts. i had a sentimental journey yesterday, looking over old photographs i had never seen. how blessed i am that i could enjoy her presence for 52 years. her essence, i'm sure will accompany me all the days of my life.
i drive the rural highways when i visit my old hometown of rock island. a myriad of thoughts visit me as i travel these roads. what a pleasure to escape through the small towns that greet me on my adventure.
i am grateful for every day and what it brings. may i be an instrument through which God's love can flow. may i do all things as unto Him.